Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bringing it on home.

Hey team.  I suck at blogging.  Bleh.  So, now that that's out of the way, we shall move on.

Due to one of my best friend's pleading, her New Year's Resolutions, and her recent move to Blogger (from her ridiculous Xanga.  Psh.) I have re-established my want to blog more.  That One Cute Muffin also sent me a camera for a VERY belated Christmas present, in order to facilitate better use of my Blog.  So here we are.  If you would like to know more about this fantastically AMAZING friend (that I have known for 17 years!)  then click here.  Thanks, my Katy Rose for encouraging me, and loving me even though I suck at keeping you posted on my new life.  Coincidentally, her mother, Ms. Sue "Flash" Roweton originally got me started on blogging.  The World Wide Web owes a lot to these two women- they are the reason I'm here.  On Blogger.  Not the world.  That would be awkward.

I am going to take a leaf out of her book, and try not to ramble.

I've moved in to a new apartment through the Portland Festival Ballet.  It is a cool one bedroom, with a loft above the kitchen, and get this. It has a spiral staircase.  It has been on my list of life goals to have a spiral staircase in an apartment.  So that's a wonderfully convenient checkmark to get as well as getting a great new apartment.  And a cool new roommate.  

Gentry is from Rhode Island, but has lived all over. He's studying at the Ballet with me, and we're getting along well.  Two kindred spirits.  Except we're very different.  So just two spirits really.  Also, his dad is Jim Fielder.  The bass player from Blood, Sweat, and Tears.  So, all you music nerds (Katy, Sue, etc.) that's my roommate's dad.  Yeah.  It's cool.

Lydia came and saw me!  She was here for The Justice Conference.  Click on the link to learn more about how she's going to save the world.  God blessed me with a strong family of women that taught me well as I grew up.  She always serves as a font of happiness and peace when we get together.  I have definitely missed her after I got a small taste of love, but I'm happier as well.  She makes me think a lot.

                                                             She took a picture.
                                                            But she didn't want to go.

And, lastly, I have written the short story I am going to workshop for my Creative Writing class I am currently taking called The Game of Life.  If anyone would like to read it, I would love that.  Give me your feedback.  Because I'm going to be a dancer, not a writer, and I can take any critiques you got.

Send me an email, and I will send it back to you.  Or Facebook me.  Or call me.  Or whatever.  We have about 60 absolutely foolproof, simple, fast, convenient ways to contact each other.  So why do we all feel disconnected from each other?  Whoa. Deep.


  1. Hooray for the pictures! She sounds like an *amazing* friend!

    Here's something funny: A dear friend of mine, and a fellow PhD student in education, was one of the DRUMMERS FOR BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS!! He toured with them for a year. This is freaky. I'll tell him about your roommate today.


  2. Glad to see you're back! Even though they are few and far between, I always enjoy your posts so much. I love the way you write AND I would love to read your :-)

  3. Ah! We're famous! For so many reasons.
    The staircase IS pretty B.A.
    and I miss YOU!

  4. Happy birthday, Ricky! I hope you had a great one! Dude, so jealous of the stairs. I hate it when you tell people that you want spiral stairs and they immediately try to convince you that they suck because it's difficult to move things in and out. So?! Beauty knows no pain, right?
    Love you!!!

  5. First, sorry it took me so long to read this. I am the one who sucks. I greatly appreciate the blog...and the mention (it increased my site traffic even)! I love reading about your life. Secondly, I HAD AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION TO XANGA, ASSHOLE. Third, Gentry is the greatest name ever. Fourth, send me the writing fool!

    I love you and I miss you. Blog again soon!

  6. Peaches, My Star...My Big Little Brother...You are such a good, uh, yeah. Send me your story. Absolutely.
    I am missing you so much, and cannot wait til this Summer. My favorite season AND you are coming back for a while. I am so excited! I am so glad our Angel came out to see you. I hope to come out sometime soon, babe. Fo real.
    You are such an amazing man. I am in constant disbelief that we have the same blood running through our veins. Wow.
    You make RICKY happy. Embrace Faith. And most of all, Carpe Diem, bitches! You da man!
    I Miss you so much, think of you daily, and love you every minute.
